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Special Learning Areas:-

As the saying goes, the school prepares students for life. Education is more than just sitting in a classroom. Apart from the regular curriculum we also focus on including some essential skills and activities such as:

  • Mindful Activities
  • Life Skills
  • Developing Communication Skills
  • Theme Based Concepts
  • Emotional and Social Development
  • Phonics and Reading skills
  • Cognitive Development
  • Celebrating Special Days and Festivals
  • Field Trips

Art And Craft

Children are encouraged to explore their creativity by using various art media such as water paints, markers, colored pencils, crayons, collages, etc. Our art program develops creativity, aesthetic sense, and appreciation of art. It also exposes children to the styles and works of famous artists. Origami, the ancient Japanese art, encourages the child to experiment with paper art. 

Speech and Drama

The Speech and Drama program helps children to acquire the confidence to speak clearly in front of an audience. It also provides them with empathy and leadership skills and teaches them to work in collaboration with others. It increases their vocabulary and helps them to engage in effective communication through the art of listening, waiting for their turn to speak, and expressing emotions clearly. Drama activities also foster their ability to think creatively through imagination and this enhances their problem-solving skills.

Story Time

Stories and story weaving sessions will take place in the classrooms and in the library/activity room. Stories will also be recounted through the visual arts and crafts, drama enactments and songs. Through stories, we aim to instill good habits, values, positive eating habits and personal hygiene. A well-stocked library will further enrich the child’s world.

Field Trip

Field Trips are designed to foster independence and resourcefulness, and give children important real-life experiences. As students pursue greater depth in their work, they find the need to enter the “real world” to gather additional information. Perhaps they visit a museum, interview a specialist, or investigate a rock outcropping firsthand. Trips are typically planned by a small group of students engaged in a specific type of work or research.

We also offer in-school field trips that compliment the classroom themes and lessons. They are regularly scheduled throughout the year to help supplement and internalize the lessons learned in the class. Examples of past in-school field trips include a trip to the Fire Station, Zoo, Rail museum, dairy etc. as this exposes children to the real world. Children begin to understand and appreciate the relevance of what they are learning when they see real-life application of the lessons they are learning in school.



The sole purpose of the activity is to let the students to stay rooted with Indian culture and to enable them to understand the significance of festivals in their life

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Activities like this can have quite a positive effect on the process of learning. The best advantage of poster making is that it facilitates team work and understanding along with facilitating creative thinking. It provides students with an opportunity to learn by doing, in turn strengthening the learning.
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Introducing children to various festivals celebrated across the country can be a great way to make them appreciate diversity and respect all religions alike

Classroom Activities

Gandhi Jayanti Activity

Halloween Activity

Hindi Diwas Activity

Playgroup Activities

Rakshabandhan Activity

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